Are We Lost?

This was taken from ‘High Street’ in the English Lake District. My friend and I set off early one morning with the weather forecast favourable. But by the time that we had arrived at our destination the weather had turned dark and the heavens opened.

Undeterred we set off with our waterproofs on and our heads down. Up and up we followed the path, not seeing anything at all except the ground – everytime we looked up we got a face full of water. We had taken the harder route up from Mardale, and it was getting very wet now. The streams were filling up and we had to wade a couple of them as they had burst their banks and had covered the path in places.

My camera was packed away in the rucksack as I didn’t think there would be any photo opportunities. We had a miserable meal on the summit and set off down – Mark knew a ‘shortcut’, to me any ‘shortcuts’ are suspicious, but I followed on. I just wanted to get back to the car and get dry.

Halfway down we stopped whilst Mark considered the map – and just at that moment the clouds parted and the sun shone, casting it’s rays across the mountains. It was the first time all day that we had been able to see anything and the view was jaw dropping! I opened the rucksack and took out the camera and managed to shoot three frames before the clouds hid the sun and it was all over.

When I later viewed the photos on my computer, two out of the three had water droplets on the lens and were ruined, but this one was fine! So it was worth it after all 🙂

18 thoughts on “Are We Lost?

  1. Appreciating the shot is sometimes a lot easier when you really had to work for it.

    It’s a beautiful image.


  2. I had a similar sudden break in the weather on Whitbarrow when walking with my mother and got quite a dramatic photo – possibly not as good as that one but dramatic all the same!


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